Which (also low-threshold) small group actions are possible? How can such an action look like and which tasks are there? The workshop is supposed to communicate skills for planning your own actions.
Category: workshop-en
Using Smartphones securely
Find out how to use digital technology in action without harming yourself.
Custody Workshop
We offer a workshop on custody in Germany. We think this topic is important because repression is not declining. This workshop will allow you to benefit from experiences of others and reflect yourself.
Area Workshop
At the area workshop we introduce you to the specialities of the Rhineland coal infrastructure. We explain the territory, show how coal excavation infrasctucture is built, how a coal pit is shaped etc.
Workshop on Handcraft
An action sometimes needs practical tools to work. In this workshop we give you practical help on building helpful items.
Press Workshop
During the Action days the media will be focussing on us. In this skillshare we want to consider how we can deal with the press and – if we want – how to work with media and / or the press.